About Us
What is wow.kanoon.ir
Learning English through a fun game of words
Wow Pedagogy
Learn new English words by following these 3 steps:

Expand your vacabulary by playing WOW and write new stories with what you've learned!

The more you play, the more words you learn.

Learn through pictures and examples
In your result sheet, you can see how the new words are used in a sentence along with their Persian translation and corresponding picture.
Expand your vacabulary by playing WOW and write new stories with what you've learned!
The more you play, the more words you learn.
Learn through pictures and examples
In your result sheet, you can see how the new words are used in a sentence along with their Persian translation and corresponding picture.
Our Team
WoW.Kanoon.ir is the result of several years of endeavor targeted towards empowering ESL students to learn new words more efficiently and create their own stories. We in WoW.Kanoon.ir believe that anyone can be an autor, if they experience first hand, the joy of thinking and writing.
Parastoo Ghalamchi, PhD.
Parastoo Ghalamchi did her PhD in Business and Management at Brunel University (London) and her MPhil in Educational Research at University of Cambridge (Wolfson College). She initiated this project in 2014, by organizing English writing workshops in 13 schools in Tehran (Saraye Danesh School).
Ashkan Pourbijan
UX/UI Designger
Project Manager
Massome Panahi
Android Developer
Backend Dveloper
Leila Khodaverdian
Content Developer
Raha Omrani
WP Developer
Ali Najdi
Shahrbanoo Aghaee